- 14. May 2021
Your Genius can speak Spanish now too.
Launch of the Spanish Website and the Spanish GeniusReport. We say ¡Hola!
- 12. Oktober 2016
64keys available in English
The basis for the GeniusReport is the
64keys Matrix. On the basis of information gathered from this method, it is also possible to describe the dynamics between
individuals in great detail. It is thus also possible to analyze the interaction dynamics between two individuals, in teams, in families, or even in entire organizations.
64keys.com is a Software Portal that enables you to immerse yourself into this knowledge as much as you like.
- April 17th, 2015
GeniusReport in English
Launch of the English Website and the English GeniusReport.
- September 8th, 2014
Launch of the Genius Website
The official launch of the website and the GeniusReport in German.
- March 2014
Evaluation with Beta Testers
The first version of the GeniusReport is ready. More than 300 senior managers, consultants, trainers and coaches in Austria, Germany and Switzerland have evaluated and tested it. The feedback is terrific.
- August 2013
A team of experts develops the GeniusReport on the basis of the 64keys Software.
- Juli 2013
After a development period of 16 months, the 64keys Software is finalized. From the very beginning more than 60 PentaDesign Consultants and Coaches use the software in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
- September 2012
64keys Media GmbH
Foundation of the 64keys Media GmbH. As highly committed associates, 10 PentaDesign Consultants enable the implementation of the 64keys Software.
- 2010
Personal Austria
The PentaDesign Method is presented to trade visitors at the Personal Austria congress for the first time. The effect: astonishment, scepticism, but also great interest.
- 2008
PentaDesign Academy
Foundation of the PentaDesign Academy. More than 100 consultants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are trained in the use of the PentaDesign Method in the following years.
- 2006
Development of the PentaDesign Method on the basis of the HumanDesign Matrix. The goal is to make this knowledge applicable to business consultancy,
especially when it comes to team and organizational development.
- 1999
Holographic Principle
The physicist Gerardus 't Hooft is awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his achievements in the field of quantum mechanics, where he described the Holographic Principle.
According to 'Hooft, our universe is a mathematical matrix depictable by a binary code.
- 1987
The Canadian Robert A. Krakower develops a synthesis from the I-Ching, astronomical calculation methods and the Indian Chakra teaching, which he names HumanDesign. He has been teaching and spreading HumanDesign since 1990.
Truly ingenious!
- 1950
I-Ching & DNA
Scientists discover that the structure of the I-Ching conforms exactly with the structure of the human DNA.
- around 3000 BC
The Origin
The I-Ching, the Book of Changes, is written for the first time with its 64 transformation states.
With 64 hexagrams, composed of Yin and Yang elements,
the I-Ching decribes a binary structure - at that time considered the elements of life and the universe.