Further information

You have read your GeniusReport? You definitely want to know more now.

Tutorial Videos

You definitely want to understand your GeniusReport completely. Our short videos about each page of the report will reveal more.


Just download whatever you need: The GeniusReport Manual, the GeniusReport Buttons, and much more.

FAQs - frequently asked questions

... and here are the answers.


A professional coach with a profound knowledge of the GeniusReport can support you to unfold your Genius bravely and pleasurably.

Company services

Companies can of course also use the GeniusReport: for staff development, recruiting purposes or team building.

Comments & Feedback

What's the best product without the people that love it? Here you can find users' comments.


How everything began and current reports.

Seminars & Workshops

Our range of seminars for senior managers, trainers and coaches that want to use the GeniusReport in their workplace.


Our service for media representatives.